Does Medicare Cover Dental?
Our clients are often thrilled that they can get such great coverage on Medicare Supplement plans. Plan F will cover 100% with no deductible and Plan G is 100% with a $185/yr deductible…that is incredible compared to traditional employer plans that have $5,000 to $10,000 deductibles. However, these plans can only cover what Medicare itself allows, and Medicare doesn’t cover hardly ANY dental, vision, or hearing. This is a pretty big gap in coverage right? After all, we all have teeth (or dentures) and they will need to be taken care of. Every time I go to the dentist I’m reminded just how expensive that can be when you don’t have any insurance!
Thankfully there are plans that are specifically designed for Medicare recipients. These plans include Dental, Vision, and Hearing all together for between $20-$50 per month. All of them have waiting periods so we strongly advise you to get the plan BEFORE you need it. We get calls all the time from our clients who need a root canal and now decide they need coverage! So just give us a call so we can walk you through it.